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Blocks > Schema

Block Schema 

Understanding the utility of Block schema

What is a Block Schema

A schema is required for a Block as it will be used to identify the Block in the page builder. It also brings valuable options.

It can define the default values of the Block and add a set of options to edit its props through the settings panel in the page builder.

Add a schema

To add a schema to your Block, use the object Suncel from your component.

BlockName.suncel = {

Schema type

type SuncelBlockConfig<T> = {
  displayName: string;
  slug: string;
  defaultProps: Partial<T>;
  editor: { settings: SuncelField[] };
  query?: (props: {
  pageProps: Partial<IPageProps>;
  blockProps: any;
}) => Promise<Record<string, any>>;
  • slug: unique block identifier. Each block must have a different slug !

  • displayName: Block name. It is the name displayed when a user selects a Block in the editor

  • defaultProps: default values of the Block props

  • editor

    • settings: Used to edit the Block props. The settings will appear on the settings panel (right panel) in the page builder

  • query: Server side fetch. Has the pageProps and Blocks props as parameters. The return will overrides Blocks props. For query function to word you need to give the context config to the GetSuncelStaticProps function

Define Block default values

You can define the default values of a Block , inside the property defaultProps of the schema.

import React from 'react'
import { SuncelBlock } from '@suncel/nextjs'

type BlockNameProps = { text: string }

export const BlockName: SuncelBlock<BlockNameProps> = ({ text }) => {

BlockName.suncel = {
    defaultProps: {
        text: 'My amazing text'

Block settings

Settings are used to interact with the Block props of the page builder via the settings panel (right bar of the page builder).

Settings elements are an array of SuncelField

type SuncelField =
  | CustomField
  | KeyField
  | TextField
  | NumberField
  | TextareaField
  | CheckboxField
  | LinkField
  | PageField
  | DateField
  | GroupField
  | RadioField
  | RangeField
  | ColorField
  | RichTextField
  | SelectField
  | ImageField
  | RepeatableField
  | ObjectField;

When using slug, be careful to put the exact same name as the props name in the exact path order. To access a nested property, add . between each slug of the path.

Example of a Property and its corresponding slugs :

type Props = {
	label: string      // slug: 'label'
	person: {         // slug: 'person'
		name: string,    // slug: ''
		address: {      // slug: 'person.address'
			street: string // slug: 'person.address.street'


TextField edits props of type string.


type TextField = {
	type: 'text'
	name: string
	slug: string // The name of the prop from the component
	defaultValue?: string | defaultValueFunc<string> //Default value, can be a async function 
	disabled?: boolean // To disabled the field , default false
	displayInSettings?: boolean // To display in the editor settings panel, default true


interface MyComponentProps {
  slug: string;

export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = () => {

MyComponent.suncel = {
  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "text",
        slug: "slug",
        name: "My text",

Admin page builder setting view:

textfield Setting


Number field edits props of type number


type NumberField = {
	type: 'number'
	name: string
	slug: string // The name of the prop from the component
	defaultValue?: string | number | defaultValueFunc<string> //Default value, can be a async function 
	disabled?: boolean // To disabled the field , default true
	displayInSettings?: boolean //To display in the editor settings panel, default true


interface MyComponentProps {
  slug: number;

export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = () => {

MyComponent.suncel = {
  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "number",
        slug: "slug",
        name: "My number field",

Admin page builder setting view:

Number field


TextArea field edits props of type string


type TextareaField = {
	type: 'textarea'
	name: string
	slug: string // The name of the prop from the component
	defaultValue?: string | defaultValueFunc<string> //Default value, can be a async function 
	disabled?: boolean // To disabled the field , default true
	displayInSettings?: boolean //To display in the editor settings panel, default true


interface MyComponentProps {
  slug: string;

export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = () => {

MyComponent.suncel = {
  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "textarea",
        slug: "slug",
        name: "My textArea field",

Admin page builder setting view:

textfield Setting


Image field edits props of type ImageType


type ImageType = {
  src?: string;
  alt?: string;

type ImageField = {
	type: 'image'
	name: string
	slug: string // The name of the prop from the component
	defaultValue?: ImageType | defaultValueFunc<ImageType> //Default value, can be a async function 
	displayInSettings?: boolean //To display in the editor settings panel, default true



import { SuncelBlock, ImageType } from "@suncel/nextjs"

interface MyComponentProps {
  slug: ImageType;

export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = () => {

MyComponent.suncel = {
  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "image",
        slug: "slug",
        name: "My image field",

Admin page builder setting view:

Image field Setting


Checkbox field edits props of type LinkType


type LinkRelType = "nofollow" | "search" | "alternate" | "author" | "bookmark" | "external" | "help" | "license" | "next" | "noopener" | "noreferrer" | "opener" | "prev" | "tag

type LinkType = {
  target?: '_blank' | '_self' | '_parent' | '_top' | 'framename';
  rel?: LinkRelType[] | LinkRelType;
  href?: string;

type LinkField = {
	type: 'link'
	name: string
	slug: string // The name of the prop from the component
	defaultValue?: LinkType | defaultValueFunc<LinkType> //Default value, can be a async function 
	displayInSettings?: boolean //To display in the editor settings panel, default true


import { SuncelBlock, LinkType } from "@suncel/nextjs";

interface MyComponentProps {
  slug: LinkType;

export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = () => {

MyComponent.suncel = {
  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "link",
        slug: "slug",
        name: "My Link",
        // optional default value
        defaultValue: {
          href: "",

Admin page builder setting view:

Link Field setting


Page field edits props of type Partial<Page>. For the page content to be automatically updated you need to give the context config to the GetSuncelStaticProps function.


type PageField = {
	type: 'page'
	fields:   fields?: (keyof Exclude<Page, 'saved_content' | 'history' | 'contents'>)[];


interface MyComponentProps {
  slug: Partial<Page>;

export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = () => {

MyComponent.suncel = {
  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "page",
        name: "Post",
        slug: "",
        fields: ["_id", "path", "properties", "published_date"],


Select field edits props of type string | string[]


type Option = {
  name: string;
  value: string;

type SelectField = {
	type: 'select'
	name: string
	slug: string // The name of the prop from the component
	multi?: boolean; // To multi select
	options: Option[] | defaultValueFunc<Option[]>; // Options of the select, can a function 
	asyncOptions?: asyncDefaultValueFunc<Option[]>; // Options of the select, if async function needed
	defaultValue?: string | defaultValueFunc<string> //Default value, can be a async function 
	displayInSettings?: boolean //To display in the editor settings panel, default true


interface MyComponentProps {
  slug: string;

export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = () => {

MyComponent.suncel = {
  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "select",
        slug: "slug",
        name: "My Select",
        options: [
            value: "option_1",
            name: "Option 1",
            value: "option_2",
            name: "Option 2",

Admin page builder setting view:

Select field settings


Checkbox field edits props of type Boolean


type CheckboxField = {
	type: 'checkbox'
	name: string
	slug: string // The name of the prop from the component
	defaultValue?: boolean | defaultValueFunc<boolean> //Default value, can be a async function 
	displayInSettings?: boolean //To display in the editor settings panel, default true


import { SuncelBlock } from "@suncel/nextjs";

interface MyComponentProps {
  slug: boolean;

export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = () => {

MyComponent.suncel = {
  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "checkbox",
        slug: "slug",
        name: "My Checkbox",

Admin page builder setting view:



Radio field edits props of type Boolean


type Option = {
  name: string;
  value: string;

type RadioField = {
	type: 'radio'
	name: string
	slug: string // The name of the prop from the component
	options: Option[] | defaultValueFunc<Option[]>; // Options of the select, can a function 
	asyncOptions?: asyncDefaultValueFunc<Option[]>; // Options of the select, if async function needed
	defaultValue?: string | defaultValueFunc<string> //Default value, can be a async function 
	displayInSettings?: boolean //To display in the editor settings panel, default true


interface MyComponentProps {
  slug: string;

export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = () => {

MyComponent.suncel = {
  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "radio",
        slug: "slug",
        name: "My Radio",
        options: [
            value: "option_1",
            name: "Option 1",
            value: "option_2",
            name: "Option 2",

Admin page builder setting view:



Range field edits props of type number


type RangeField = {
  type: 'range';
  name: string
  slug: string // The name of the prop from the component
  min?: number; // Start value of the range
  max?: number; // End value of the range
  step?: number; // The step between each value
  unit?: string; 
  disabled?: boolean // To disabled the field , default true
  displayInSettings?: boolean //To display in the editor settings panel, default true


import { SuncelBlock } from "@suncel/nextjs";

interface MyComponentProps {
  slug: number;

export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = ( ) => {

MyComponent.suncel = {
  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "range",
        slug: "slug",
        name: "My Range",
        max: 10,
        unit: "px",

Admin page builder setting view:



Color field edits props of type string. It return the hexa color code


type ColorField = {
	type: 'color'
	name: string
	slug: string // The name of the prop from the component
	defaultValue?: string | defaultValueFunc<string> //Default value, can be a async function 
	disabled?: boolean // To disabled the field , default true
	displayInSettings?: boolean //To display in the editor settings panel, default true


import { SuncelBlock } from "@suncel/nextjs";

interface MyComponentProps {
  slug: string;

export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = ( ) => {

MyComponent.suncel = {
  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "color",
        slug: "slug",
        name: "My Color",

Admin page builder setting view:

Color field


Object field edits props of type object.

ObjectField will create an accordion with the fields inside.

When using slug inside ObjectField fields, it will take the ObjectField slug as root. Please look at the example


type ObjectField = {
	type: 'object'
	name: string
	slug: string // the name of the prop from the component
	fields: SuncelField[]; // List of field, fields that the object contain
	defaultValue?: any[];
	displayInSettings?: boolean;


interface MyComponentProps {
	objectField: {
		label: string
		person: {
			name: string,
			address: {
				street: string

export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = () => {

MyComponent.suncel = {
  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "object",
        slug: "objectField", // Slug of the object
        name: "My object field",
        fields: [
            type: "text",
            slug: "label", // Root slug is objectField so objectField is skiped
            name: "Label",
            type: "text",
            slug: "", // Root slug is objectField so objectField is skip
            name: "Person Name",
            type: "text",
            slug: "person.address.street", // Root slug is objectField so objectField is skip
            name: "Person address street",

Admin page builder setting view:

Object field example 1

Example 2:

interface MyComponentProps {
  objectField: {
    label: string;
    person: {
      name: string;
      address: {
        street: string;

export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = () => {

MyComponent.suncel = {
  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "object",
        slug: "objectField",
        name: "My object field",
        fields: [
            type: "text",
            slug: "label", // Root slug is objectField so objectField is skip
            name: "Label",
            type: "object",
            slug: "person", // Root slug is objectField so objectField is skip
            name: "Person",
            fields: [
                type: "text",
                slug: "name", // Root slug is objectField.person so objectField.person is skip
                name: "Person Name",
                type: "object",
                slug: "address", //Root slug is objectField.person so objectField.person is skip
                name: "Address",
                fields: [
                    type: "text",
                    slug: "street", // Root slug is objectField.person.address so objectField.person.address is skip
                    name: "Person address street",

Admin page builder setting view:

Object field example 2


Repeatable field edits props of array. RepeatableField will create an accordion with the array list inside.

When using slug inside RepeatableField fields, it will take the RepeatableField slug as root. Please look at the example


type RepeatableField = {
	type: 'repeatable'
	name: string // Name of an item of the array (ex: person)
	pluralName?: string // Name in plural form (ex: persons)
	slug: string // the name of the prop from the component
	max: number; // Array max size
	fields: SuncelField[]; // List of field, fields that the repeatble contain
	defaultValue?: any[];
	displayInSettings?: boolean;

Example :

interface MyComponentProps {
  persons: { name: string; age: number }[];

export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = () => {

MyComponent.suncel = {
  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "repeatable",
        slug: "persons",
        name: "Person",
        pluralName: "Persons",
        max: 4,
        fields: [
            type: "text",
            slug: "name", // Root slug is persons so persons is skip
            name: "Person name",
            type: "number",
            slug: "age", // Root slug is persons so persons is skip
            name: "Person age",

Admin page builder setting view:

repeatable example 1


KeyField generates a unique Id in an array element. If you do not use a unique key in a dynamic array in React, a refresh issue can happen. It will cause an issue when updating the element order in the array.

As this field is for developer internal purposes, it is recommended to not display it on the page builder settings with displayInSettings:false


type KeyField = {
	type: 'key'
	name?: string // name is optional. Not meant to be displayed in the settings
	slug: string // the name of the component's prop
	defaultValue?: any[];
	displayInSettings?: boolean;


interface MyComponentProps {
  slug: string;

export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = () => {

MyComponent.suncel = {

  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "key",
        slug: "slug",
        displayInSettings: false


GroupField is not used to edit props. It is used to group fields.

GroupField will create an accordion with the fields listed in the GroupField.

As GroupField has no effect on the editing, it has no slug.


type GroupField = {
	type: 'group'
	name: string // Name of the group
	fields: SuncelField[]; // List of field, fields that the Group contain
	displayInSettings?: boolean;


interface MyComponentProps {
	name: string; 
	age: number
	address: {
		street: string
export const MyComponent: SuncelBlock<MyComponentProps> = () => {

MyComponent.suncel = {

  editor: {
    settings: [
        type: "group",
        name: "Person",
        fields: [
            type: "text",
            slug: "name",
            name: "Person name",
            type: "number",
            slug: "age",
            name: "Person age",
            type: "text",
            slug: "address.street",
            name: "Person address street",

Admin page builder setting view:

group field


Create your own settings documentation here ->